Washing Dog Toys Safely: Your Guide for Every Toy Type – The Lucky Pup
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Washing Dog Toys Safely: Your Guide for Every Toy Type

Washing Dog Toys Safely: Your Guide for Every Toy Type

Do you have a furry friend who loves their toys just as much as you love them? And why wouldn’t they, when you shower them with such varieties? From squeaky plushies to sturdy chew bones, you have an array of options to find the perfect toy set that your doggo will be tail-waggingly obsessed with.

But wait, when was the last time you cleaned your furry friend’s toys? In the case of most pet parents, pet toys aren’t washed often enough. And considering the different textures and materials and washing methods required for each toy in the set, that’s understandable. However, you cannot ignore the dire necessity of regularly cleaning dog toys.

There are many simple ways to get rid of all the slobber, dirt, grime, and germs from your doggo’s toys. This article discusses tips for washing dog toys in ways that are safe for you, your dog, and the toys.

Why Cleaning Dog Toys is Important

Before getting into the safe and effective cleaning methods, let’s address this first. Why should you wash dog toys regularly? As per the National Sanitation Foundation (NSF), an American organization, dog toys are among the top ten things with the most germs on them. 

While this answer is enough to compel you to clean your furry friends’ toys often, here are some additional benefits.

1. Your dog’s safety: If your furbaby loves a toy, it will play around with it throughout the house, in the garden, on walks, and in parks. Literally everywhere they go. So naturally, the toy will collect all the grime from all these surfaces. It could be a breeding ground for mold, bacteria, saliva, dirt, stray garbage, and even fecal matter. Regular cleaning helps prevent the spread of germs and keeps your dog healthy.

2. Longevity of toys: Cleaned and well-maintained toys generally stay around longer for your pets to play with and thus, are economical. Of course, the possibility of your furry friend chewing off the toy doesn’t count here.

3. Fresh for the fun: Neither you nor your dog would want to play with a dirty toy. So clean them regularly to make the play times with your pet more appealing and indulging.

Cleaning Different Types of Dog Toys

One notable complexity of cleaning your dog’s toys is that they come in different materials and textures. They might be made of rope, rubber, or plastic, or could be stuffed, plush, or interactive. Therefore, you must consider the toy type and clean it accordingly to maintain its longevity and ensure proper sanitation. 

For safe cleaning, you can avoid harsh chemicals and follow the methods discussed in the sections below.

How to Clean Dog Plush Toys?

Plush toys are a favorite among many dogs. Soft, cuddly, and often available with fun squeakers inside, they can keep your doggo engaged for a long time. However, these toys can get particularly grimy due to their texture. Below are some tips for cleaning dog plush toys.

In the Washing Machine

Many plush toys can be tossed into the washing machine. Remember to use a pet-safe laundry detergent for toys with cold water and turn the washer into gentle mode. If the toy can potentially get damaged, enclose it in a pillowcase or a laundry bag before putting it in the washer.

Wash with Hands

Some toys cannot be washed in the machine. In such cases, hand wash it with mild soap and warm water and rinse thoroughly to remove any soap residues.

Drying Plush Dog Toys

Let the plush toys air-dry to avoid shrinking or damage. Or if your furbaby is too impatient, you can use a dryer on a low heat setting if the toy does not contain any plastic parts.

Tips to Clean Rubber, Plastic, and Nylon Dog Toys

These toys are especially durable and can withstand your doggo’s rigorous chewing. While this could keep your pet happy and engaged, it also means that these toys can get sticky and slimy really quickly. The following sections discuss the best ways to clean rubber, plastic, and nylon dog toys.

In the Dishwasher

Being durable, many rubber, plastic, and nylon toys are safe to clean in the dishwasher. Simply place them on the top rack and run a hot cycle without any soap or detergent. The high temperature can sanitize the toy and remove the grime and germs.

Wash with Hands

For toys that cannot be cleaned in the dishwasher, use a mild soap and warm water to scrub them with your hands. Pay special attention to any grooves or crevices where dirt can accumulate.

Drying Rubber, Plastic, and Nylon Toys

These toys are quick to dry, so air-drying is convenient and safe.

How to Wash Rope and Stuffed Dog Toys?

If your doggo enjoys chewing their toys and appreciates interactive play times with you, rope and stuffed toys are great for it. However, these materials also absorb drool and dirt easily. Here are the best ways to clean these dog toys.

Washing dog toys in the washing machine

If it's made of rope or stuffed, you can wash dog toys in the washer. Run the washer on a gentle cycle after putting in pet-safe laundry detergent for toys with cold water.

Boil the Toys

Submerge the toy completely in water and bring it to a boil for a few minutes. This can effectively kill the germs present on and inside the toy. 

Dry Properly

Thoroughly air-dry these toys before letting your furbaby play with them again. Any residual moisture can promote mold growth.

Cleaning Interactive Dog Toys

While not like traditional toys, interactive pieces like treat dispensers and puzzle toys also serve your paw-mazing pets. They also get messy with food residues and enthusiastic slobbering and thus, require regular cleaning. You can clean these toys effectively and safely by following these steps:

1. Disassemble: If the toy can be disassembled, carefully take it apart for thorough cleaning.

2. Wash with hands in the dishwasher: If available, check and follow the cleaning instructions given by the manufacturer. 

When washing with hands, use mild soap and warm water and clean each part separately. For sturdy and scratch-proof pieces, you can use a cleaning brush or a toothbrush to reach small areas and crevices.

If allowed, wash dog toys in the washer for thorough cleaning. Place the parts in the top rack of the dishwasher and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

3. Dry each part: Let each part air-dry properly before reassembling the toy and bringing it back on duty.

Natural Cleaning Solutions for Dog Toys

If you wish to avoid commercial and chemical-heavy cleaners and detergents, you can go for natural alternatives. These are effective cleaners and safe for your doggo.

1. Vinegar Solution: Mix vinegar and water in a 1:1 ratio for effective cleaning of dog toys. Vinegar is an antibacterial agent that can remove the grime and germs from the toys’ surface. This combination is safe for hand washing and is non-toxic to dogs.

2. Baking Soda: Baking soda can aid in deep cleaning of the toys. Sprinkle some of it on the dirty toy and gently scrub with a brush to effectively remove any odor and stain.

3. Lemon Juice: Squeeze two or three lemons into the cleaning water to effectively remove the grease and grime from the surface. Lemon juice is an excellent disinfectant and also gives a fresh scent to your doggo’s toys.

How Often to Clean Your Dog’s Toys?

Washing dog toys after every one or two weeks is a good choice. If possible, go for at least a weekly cleaning of all the toys for your furbaby. For convenience, wash toys of similar materials and/or textures at once on the same day. If your dog follows a raw diet, however, it is best to clean their favorite toys every day for safety and health.

Tips to Maintain Dog Toys for Longevity

Follow these tips to keep your furball’s toys in tip-top shape:

  • Regularly check the dog toys for signs of wear and tear. Discard any toys that are broken or have loose parts to avoid potential choking.
  • Rotate your doggo’s toys weekly to reduce wear and tear on individual toys and keep the playtime exciting.
  • Wipe down toys with a damp cloth or baby wipe after each play session to remove surface dirt and drool. This prevents grime buildup and potential health hazards.

When to Discard the Dog Toys?

Regardless of how well you clean and manage them, dog toys will not last forever. This is especially true if your doggo is particularly enthusiastic with their playthings. Retire the dog toys when you notice these signs:

  • If a toy is falling apart, has holes, or missing pieces, it’s time to say goodbye.
  • Sometimes, a dog simply loses interest in a toy. Rotating toys can help, but if your pawed buddy consistently ignores a toy, consider donating it or tossing it.
  • If a toy still smells after cleaning, it’s best to replace it to avoid any potential health risks.

Make the Play Time Fun and Safe

Cleaning your dog’s toys might seem like a chore, but it’s an important part of keeping your furry friend healthy and happy. And it is well worth seeing the joy on your doggo’s face when you hand them a freshly cleaned toy. So, roll up your sleeves, gather those toys, and get to cleaning the dog toys!

Remember, a clean toy equals a happy, healthy dog. And a happy, healthy dog means more tail wags, more playtime, and more snuggles for you!

Clean Rubber, Plastic, and Nylon Dog Toys